I.S. EN 1090-1 Requirement for conformity assessment of structure components
The National Regulations, namely, European Union (Construction Products) Regulations 2013 – S.I. No. 225 of 2013, which were signed into law by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government on 27 June 2013, facilitate the application of the CPR in Ireland providing for inspection of products on the Irish market by Local Authorities. These Regulations came into operation on 1 July 2013. The aim of the regulation is to harmonise the safety performance of construction products across the EU and they apply as mandatory to anything placed on the market, whether imported or manufactured in the EU.
Since July 2014 Structural Steelwork and aluminium now fall under the CPR and therefore must carry CE marking to demonstrate that they comply with EN 1090-1:2009 +A1:2011 Execution of Steel Structures and Aluminium Structures – Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components, which involves a number of steps that culminate in certification by a third party, known as a notified inspection body (NB). Irish NBs must be notified by the notifying authority (DoECLG) and accredited by a National Accreditation Board (e.g. in Ireland this is INAB).